September 13, 2010

Back to 1600 or less


Back to it, as of Sunday morning.  Currently back to it as well.  Still disgusted at my choices from Saturday, but I'm moving forward. 


  1. Ahhh...sweet temptation. I'm not so great at resisting it, either, but you have shown an amazing amount of fortitude that I have only begun to muster after years of this same fight. It's good to see that you have climbed back on the proverbial horse!

    We live in a society that celebrates decadence, and it is often nearly impossible to stand firm. I'm lucky because I have friends and family who are very supportive. Ashley will text me "Drop the cashews!!" And the other day Jules warned me, "You're gonna regret that!" as I ate more ice cream than I said I would, and she was right; I would have regretted it, and thanks to her, I ditched it immediately.

    Alcohol is the sneakiest of assassins, especially when you have to be your own gatekeeper. You'll find your defenses down, that sentry who normally guards the door has gone AWOL from his guard post, and suddenly a crafty devil is sitting on your shoulder and you're mindlessly listening to him! I should know... I slipped up for the same reason this weekend, and I am not proud.

    Next time, we should make a pact with ourselves to either not drink or elect a more trustworthy gatekeeper!

    Overall, though, I think it's really great that you are right back on track. Forward is the only way. And you're doing it! I hope you see that as success. I do not doubt for one minute that you will ultimately win this fight. Thanks for sharing your story!

  2. Don't be, just shows you're real !!! Glad you recognized it for what it is and glad you're moving forward. I look forward to reading your posts, please don't stop.
