June 20, 2007

When you bend it, you break it, it's gone

So I didn't get my promotion.
::punch in the gut::
Not because I didn't do well.
Because I just haven't worked here long enough.
I was a "superstar" in the interviews, I was told.
And, in the end, I've lost nothing.
But I feel so disappointed.
It is certainly bringing out other things.
Now, I might not be able to go home.
I don't think I'm going anyways, now that I think about it.

Must have been karma.
Must have done something.
A cloud has just covered me
And into the depths I go yet again.

And for the record, I am not bitching
And fuck you if you want to label me as dramatic
I care so much about what I do
Who I do it with
And where I do it at
That when disappointment strikes
My spirit breaks a bit.
Don't blow me off
Or write me off
Or dumb me down
To be a glorified actor.
You'd be dead wrong.
I have Wrath
My most glaring deadly sin
And it can take hold of me so quickly
And so completely
And leave no one in its path
But don't. Don't do that.
I have layers like an onion
A raw, stinging onion
That awaits cooking use
And if you cannot see that
Then we are now done with this post.

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