April 12, 2007

One-Act Festival, 2000

I was thinking today on the train, and something brought to mind the play I directed as a junior in high school.

"Wanda's Visit" by Christopher Darling is the hilarious story of an otherwise boring married couple, who have their lives turned upside down when Wanda, the high school sweetheart of the husband, shows up to pay an unexpected visit, except she is not as "sophisticated" as she once was. Wanda's fallen on hard times, with no money, no job, on the run from some dubious men, and thought meeting up with an old flame would be the best thing!

Anyways, hilarity ensues. Just hilarity. Two of my closest friends, Mike and Alison, played the leads, and it was just an absolutely awesome night and performance. I designed the set, the lighting, the costumes, and directed the acting. I got to sit in the back of the theatre at school and beam with smiles as the crowd roared with each joke. I remember thinking that I could do this forever, and how much I loved the theatre. I was not a very talented actor myself, but I did have a knack of showing others how to act naturally, smoothly, and convincingly. I remember going through the dress rehearsal, sending lighting cues, watching my vision come to reality. "Wanda's Visit" was a smash hit, and we only did one performance. Mike was the talk of the school from his performance the next few days, and I was the talk of the faculty.

I think I might get back involved in theatre. I want to learn how to articulate what I know so to speak to an actor, and show him/her where I want them to go. Ultimately, it would incredible to sit in the back of the theatre again, and hear the laughter once more; to get the silent satisfaction knowing you were at the helm of something really genuine.


Game 1 of the Sabres playoffs is tonight. It will be quite the occasion. I'll leave it at that. Hope you have a good day.

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