(Don't you dare call her Vicky)
You have given me the space tonight
By your beautiful Smile
Your pleasant Southern Voice
and well-intentioned listening
To relive the most harrowing and best month
Of my life on earth.
So while I may have left you with a small scallop necklace
It is I that is grateful.
You have shone a fresh light
Into an otherwise routine set of anecdotes
You allowed exposition on ideas that are not easily
Deciphered in an elevator pitch.
"Oh I went on this trip to Spain for a month"
"I walked the Camino de Santiago - have you heard of that?" (As I wince)
No, I got to speak of Joe
Of my family
My faith
Of that moment atop O Cebriero
When my life had a compass bearing again
I got to tell my story of Cristina
And seeing James' bones
I spoke of it all magnanimously
And with purpose
Because I'm proud of it all
So Vicky
Sorry I can't help it
Victoria -
Wear the little shell close to your heart
It's travelled thousands and thousands of and thousands of steps
since being found on the pathway
Touch it when you need a reminder
That you're already on your Camino
It started the moment the stirring began inside you
You can train by choosing to be the better version of yourself tomorrow
And do your best to believe in other people.
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