I am bound;
Because I believe so strongly
That all we really possess
Is the present tense
And all the principles -
Each noble truth
That We discover in this Condition -
I am bound, therefore,
Despite every thinking Man's word
Every spiritual Man's feeling
Despite every apathetic Man's indifference;
Lo! I am bound
With such Profound conviction
To drink this Hemlock!
I love you forever
And without condition
And I am bound by that
Even if you tell me to stand down
My love is never angry
Never ashamed
And it is as real as the Present Tense
So I am bound
Irrevocably so
To drink
To die
To feel
To know
That my love was impervious
To any of my former trappings
That my love was perfected
By its own death
By the bitter taste
The room temperature cold
The runny, floral accents
Of the Hemlock.